EXB Apps Apps

RockTown Radio 1.0
EXB Apps
RockTown Radio is an unconventional onlinegospel radio station that celebrates, inspires, informs andeducates listeners via music and social media.
Aniibol Consulting 1.0
EXB Apps
ANIIBOL CONSULTING GROUP with registrationnumber RC 1085526 is a strategic management and information systemsconsultancy firm with offices in Nigeria, Pakistan and the UnitedKingdom. We deal with general management consulting, informationsystem consulting, staff training, project management, websitedevelopment, mobile APP development and brand management. We alsodeal with Educational Services consultation for prospectivestudents willing to study in the UK. Our aim is to use ourstrategic techniques to advice, help and recommend to businesses onhow to use management and information system strategies to meet andachieve their business objectives. Furthermore, we outsource byevaluating, managing, implementing and deploying informationsystems on behalf of our clients. Our offices are located in the UKand Nigeria.
APC Nigeria 1.1.0
EXB Apps
All Progressives Congress Android App.Featuresinclude:- Know Your Candidates- iReport- News Updates